Chubb launches Environmental Incident Alert, a service for reporting claims and providing assistance in the event of environmental incidents in continental Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland
Paris – April 11, 2019 – Chubb has today announced the launch of its Environmental Incident Alert service for the UK and Ireland, and Continental Europe.
Chubb’s Environmental Incident Alert is a free service available to commercial customers of all sizes, from SMEs to multinational businesses. The programme has been developed to help clients access qualified incident response contractors, monitor clean up costs and mitigate potential liabilities associated with environmental releases.
Environmental releases can happen unexpectedly and at any moment. When these events occur companies are faced with the responsibility of clean up and site remediation. An environmental release can also create further costs, such as reputational damage, in addition to possible regulatory or legal action.
The Environmental Incident Alert service uses customised alerts via email and/or text message and also provides response coordination assistance and incident documentation. It is available 24/7, all year round and is now operational in more than 50 countries across Europe, North and South America, Asia Pacific and Africa – and in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian.
Dorothee Prunier, Head of Environmental Risk, Chubb Overseas General said: “The ability to respond quickly to an environmental incident is critical to minimise any potential impact. Delays can exacerbate damage, create further issues in terms of clean up and business continuity. They can also cause problems from a reputational perspective. Chubb’s new incident reporting capabilities allow us to provide expert assistance even faster than before to customers affected by an environmental breach, meaning we can process claims quicker and help limit any further problems.”
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