Forcepoint, a global cybersecurity publisher, announces that ANSSI will officially present it with its Security Visa at the Cyber Festival organised for its 10th anniversary, on 4 June 2019 in Paris. The Forcepoint Next Generation Firewall solution has obtained first-level certification (CSPN) and qualification at the end of 2018.
Forcepoint NGFW protects corporate networks with powerful security controls, including packet, protocol and file analysis. The solution offers the most powerful Bypass Prevention (Bypass Prevention) on the market and comprehensive next-generation firewall features. Its centralized management addresses secure multi-link deployment (SD-WAN) issues and its series of protection functions includes granular packet filtering, granular application control, IPS, sandboxing solution and integrated VPN.
“We are very pleased to participate in the second Cyber Festival and proud to receive our ANSSI Security Visa. This assessment is the result of our ongoing efforts to provide our customers and partners with the best possible security guarantees, but also of our willingness to work closely with organizations with national expertise,” said David Brillant, Director Sales Engineering South EMEA of Forcepoint. “A Security Visa is a competitive advantage for Forcepoint and a guarantee of robustness for its customers and users. »
In the face of digital risks, the security visas issued by ANSSI make it possible to identify reliable and recognised security solutions, whose level of robustness complies with national or European regulations, following an assessment carried out by accredited laboratories using a rigorous and proven methodology. They are part of an approach to securing information systems for citizens, private actors and public bodies.
About Forcepoint
Forcepoint is a provider of cybersecurity solutions. With our people-centered cyber security offering, we are transforming the digital enterprise by adapting the security response to the dynamic risk posed by users and machines in real time. Forcepoint’s Human Point system offers protection that adapts to risks, ensuring that data and systems are always used reliably. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Forcepoint protects thousands of businesses and government organizations in more than 150 countries. For more information about Forcepoint, visit www.forcepoint.com
Contact :
Judith Martin-Tardivat, Sophie Decaudin, Alexis Charlet – Bpr France
forcepoint@bprfrance.com – Tél. : +33 1 83 62 88 12 / 88 11 / 88 17
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